
Day paddle from Victor Harbor to Port Elliot return — 1 October 2022

Finally some sunshine!

Port Elliot

After months of cold and rainy conditions, the weather gods finally smiled on us. We had a warm sunny day as we launched our kayaks from the Kent Reserve at Victor Harbor for a trip to Port Elliot and back.

The water was fairly calm while we were sheltered behind Granite Island. We could see though lots of spray and white water out to sea, indicating that the forecast of 2m swells was probably correct. Sure enough as we emerged out into the open ocean the swells started to pick up, luckily they were big lazy, slow moving swells that gently picked the kayak up and lowered it as it passed underneath.

That changed as we approached Port Elliot and navigated the entrance between Pullen Island and the rocky headland. The breaking swell was creating lots of rebound waves and interesting conditions, compounded by the swell picking up in the shallower water and creating some surf-able waves. Luckily no-one was brave enough to try, and we landed safely near the new lifesaving club for lunch.


Victor Harbor

Mark Loram, the club president, joined us for lunch as he was in the area visiting friends. He was unable to join the paddle due to family commitments. After a nice relaxing lunch and chat in the warm sunshine on the beach we climbed back into the kayaks for the return trip.

This time we went around the outside of Pullen Island for a change of scenery, which was interesting due to all the rebound waves on the ocean side of the island, even worse than when we came in. Nothing too serious, but not conducive to taking your hands of the paddle to take photographs!

We were expecting the conditions to improve as we moved away from the rocks into the more open sea.  But, for some reason, the unsettled conditions persisted all the way back to the shelter of Granite Island, resulting in frequent correcting strokes and bracing. We were all very glad to get out of the kayaks after getting back to Victor Harbor after 3 ½ hours, having done a round trip of 18 kms.

Day paddle at Port Elliot — 23 May 2022

A much reduced group of three paddlers set off from Victor Harbor on Monday morning. Originally scheduled for Saturday, but thanks to the government declaring an election on that day, we decided to move it to Monday. Apologies to all the working people, blame the government!

Starting to paddle in Port Elliot

We launched from Kent Reserve again, but this time we turned left and headed for Port Elliot and lunch.

We had a quick stop to admire the new causeway to Granite Island. After looking at the state of the old causeway from underneath its clear why a new one was needed, very corroded and damaged.

The entrance to Port Elliot looked its normal intimidating self. Waves breaking on the headland and Pullen Island, but with the small swell the passage between them was easy and were soon stretching our legs and soaking up the sun on the beach.

Around Port Elliot

On the way back we went around the outside of Pullen Island to have a look at the rocks there. Some interesting spots to explore, but they will have to wait for another day, in a smaller boat, with calmer seas.

The trip back was quicker thanks to the wind behind us, but felt longer, possibly due to the paddle the previous day. Whatever the reason everyone was grateful when we reached to beach and the cars.