Torrens Island circumnavigation — 16 June 2024

The trip was listed as a leisurely paddle and that’s what we did. Anne, Simon, Peter C, Peter D, Phil, Abelardo and Mark set off from the Garden Island boat ramp around 10am to paddle around Torrens Island. The tide was suitable to paddle through the shallow cutting at the northern end of the island. Conditions were nearly perfect, and they improved as we paddled.
We looked though clear water to see razor fish, oysters and an eagle ray. Birds were also in abundance; swans, pelicans, ducks, ibis and, of course, cormorants and gulls.

With such fine weather we made extremely good time getting to The Cutting. So, being well ahead of schedule, we had a quick discussion and made a unanimous decision to lengthen our trip a little and go to Bird Island for lunch.

After a pleasant lunch on a sandy beach with view of swans, pelicans and mangroves (left) and distant container ships unloading (right) we returned to the boat ramp via the Port River. Frolicking dolphins in the river added to the pleasure of the day. Back at the boat ramp we loaded our boats. (And Mark had his healthful swim in the cold water.)

All agreed it was a great way to spend a Sunday.